Coma Noir
A full length graphic novel inspired by the concept album of the same name by psychedelic metal outfit, The Atlas Moth.
Detective Valentine wants nothing more than to drown his sorrows and self-pity at the bottom of a bottle. But a mysterious female named Nour Samman hires him to track down a priceless amulet. During the investigation, Detective Valentine finds himself dealing with a secret society, The Streets of Bombay, that seems to want him as a leader and an old friend who warns him of the dangers he's gotten caught up in. His feelings for this mysterious woman push him to leave it all behind for her, but the fates have something else in store. Will he be the one who is damned, or will he be able to escape the dangers of The Streets of Bombay?
Story - Stavros Giannopolos
Script- Nick Savage
Art & Layout- M. Ryan Arnold
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