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The Fairlane Incidents References
Below are all (I may have missed one or two. If I did, please feel free to email me and let me know) the movie, music, and television references Finn makes throughout the first book. Click on any of them to link to said song, or video clip. They are grouped by artist/show/whatever if more than one reference comes from that source.
***Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to anything below. The links provided are purely for reference to the book, and entertainment value.***
Nine Inch Nails
Andrew W.K.
Rollins Band
Rick James
Saturday Night Live
Bruce Willis
Motley Crue
Billy Idol
I Fight Dragons
Limp Bizkit
The Goonies
Simon and Garfunkle
Cruel Intentions
Dave Matthews Band
The Graduate
Led Zeppelin
Dr. Strangelove
Risky Business
Nick Cave
Van Halen
Belinda Carlisle
True Romance
Tommy Tutone
George Michael
Fear Factory
Good Will Hunting
Bon Jovi
The Animals
Stephen Stills
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