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2023 New Year, New Format

Writer's picture: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

New outlook? While I am not one for new year resolutions, my publisher had a great meeting with us last month (after I sent out the last newsletter) about newsletters. I found it to be an eye-opener of sorts when it comes to this aspect of my author journey. So, after a year of what I will now call reluctant newslettering, I will try to embrace this more and understand the lines of communication is can potentially open up between me and my readers (you guys!). Find me on all my social media account with my linktree here. (I am far more fun on social media and most fun on Facebook. (for now)

Welcome to 2023!

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful NYE last night! Mine was pretty chill. It was just me, my wife, and a friend. Living in the Orlando area, there are always endless options of things to do any night of the week especially holidays, but I have partied my NYE's away in the past, lived to tell what I could remember the next morning, and cheated death. Nowadays, I prefer the warm comfort of my living room and safety of staying off the roads. While I may change my tune again in the future, right now I am happy living the simple life on major holidays. I was also fast asleep by 12:30. So, I didn't need to send out all my early happy new year texts. But better safe than sorry.

I try to be a fairly accessible guy, but in trying to be so, I have overlooked the ability to be accessible. If anyone ever has a question burning to be asked, need an ear to bend, or just want to chat. Please feel free to contact me on any of my social media pages via messenger. Or, if you want to make sure I'll see it, I can always be reached via email at There is nothing I love more than getting to know people who appreciate what I do.

I get asked a lot about what readers can do for me after they've read my books, besides buying more or waiting for the next in the series, I like to remind them that the best thing anyone can do is leave an honest review. Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub, or anywhere you can leave a review is always a gesture that makes us happy inside. And yes, what every author writes is not for everyone's tastes, so we all dread the one-star review. It will happen to us all. But an honest review is better than blowing smoke up someone's behind. Unless... But to the topic at hand. If you've read any of my books and not left a review, no bad mojo coming from me. Life gets busy, sometimes we want to think about what we are going to write and then life gets in the way, etc, etc. Heck, I've not reviewed every book I've read. It just doesn't happen. You get my point. Reviews good. Make author smile. Or cry depending on review. Either way, at least it lets us know our works are being read.

Before moving on to my author friends, I have to mention AUDIO BOOKS!! Some people prefer audio books, and I have had to continually disappoint them in the past. Not anymore! The Fairlane Incidents and The Fortunate Finn Fairlane are both available as audio books. The Fragile Finn Fairlane is currently in review but should be available for purchase within a few weeks. (Early to Mid Feb). So, yay for that! Of course my upcoming The West Haven Undead series will eventually be on the audio book circuit as well. I did not want to leave this out of my newsletter.


I know people have different preferences and talk with those that do as well, so I wanted to bring to light a couple of different authors that might interest you or someone you know. First is a children's author Chip Haynes. He has a kid's series about a bike riding possum that will be coming out relatively soon from our publisher. It is a cute story that will bring parents and their children closer as they venture out with the bike riding animals. Look for the first in the series in a few months on the 4 Horsemen Publications site at this link

The second author I want to highlight is a fantasy author, Maria DeVivo. Found here, She has her first 2 books in the Dawn of the Blood Witch series out and with her other publishers she has even more.


As I've mentioned in previous newsletters, Us of Legendary Gods will be out in early Feb, 2023. While you can grab a ARC here, Viewing Us of Legendary Gods Review Copy | Booksprout in exchange for an honest review, you can also preorder your copy here

But who wants to commit to something without seeing a little first. You wouldn't buy a car without test driving it first. So, here's a little sample:

Scarlett turns to both of them. “Fine, there may be nothing there. But we knew that going into this whole thing that nothing may come of it. So the question is, what if there is something? Are you ready for real closure? Because you’ve all but thrown away your future for this, Connor. To turn back now would make everything you did pointless. Is that what you want?”

Connor starts visibly shivering. “No, it’s not what I want!” he says, trying not to yell. “What I want is my friend back! What I want is not to have gone through what I’ve gone through for the past few months. To not have seen the things I saw at his house, been told the things I was told.”

Allison chimes in, “But you can’t take all of that back. You can’t change what happened to you.”

“So the question is, how do you deal with it now? Are you ready to move forward?” Scarlett asks her cousin. “It’s not exactly warm in here, so make a decision.”

Connor takes a deep breath and stares at the side door looming before him. He knows what he must do but as with anything, taking the first step is hardest. The girls wait, also starting to shiver in the cold. But they wait for him; they cannot force him to make a move he isn’t ready for. So they stand behind him, waiting. He takes another deep breath and, as he exhales, steps toward the side door...

I hope the above tempted you to grab an ARC or preorder a copy. If not, then I didn't choose a great passage! But that said, I will leave you with the usual below. Until next month, may the start of 2023 be amazing. And remember, the best is yet to come!

Looking for unique and wonderful gift ideas? Check out my glow in the dark t-shirts and paintings over at

Follow me online for all my current thoughts, rants, and raves.


Music References

Chapter Title Playlist

Twitter @Savagewrites

Tik Tok @TheAuthorNickSavage

Instagram: @savagecanvasarts

Come say hello

Want to meet me? Grab a signed copy of one of my book? Just have a good conversation? I'll be found at the following events.

Jan. 20-22 House of Mouse Expo, Kissimmee, FL

Jan 21-22 Central Florida Comic Con, Lakeland, FL

Feb 18th, SyFy Bartow, Bartow, FL

More about Nick Savage

Want to see more of what I'm about? Head over to my website by clicking the button below. If you want to reach me, please email me from there. And of course, tell all the readers in your life about my books. Share the journey together.

4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305


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