The second month of the year is dedicated to many things, including Valentine's Day. I used to put much stock in that day, thinking it was the only way, or I guess, the best way to show love. Then I began to realize that I can show affection and appreciation the other 364 days a year as well.
Now, I'm not saying V-Day can't be special, sexy, sweet, or whatever. It, at the very least, gives us an excuse to do something we might not get a chance to do or be brave enough to try otherwise. Whether it be something naughty or nice. But it's a day where we reflect on why we're still single or why our partner still tolerates us for all the stupid things we inevitably do.
So, no matter which way you look at VD (Valentine's Day), enjoy it anyway you do.
Of course, if you need a story to read, there's always the above. I highly recommend them.
Someone pointed out to me that I never mentioned having playlists to go with my Fairlane novels. That said, Click Here for my link tree that has all my links, including all the playlists for The Fairlane Series.
Other News
In all honesty, January was a chill month, both in temperature and momentum. I hate when things slow down like that, but when they do, it's the universe's way of forcing me to look at where I am going. Quo Vadim and all that ancient Latin origin stuff.
I did do a couple of custom order shirts for clients including a Helluvaboss featuring Stolis & Blitzo. I don't know if I even typed that correctly. She loved the shirt and that's what's important. (that and the design didn't include spelling.)
On the 15th, I will be one of many at SyFy Bartow. A wonderful event put on by SyFy Florida. This will be my 5th(?) year with them and each year gets bigger and better. Yes, it is outdoors, and it takes up like 4 square blocks. It's wonderful and fun and all in downtown Bartow, FL. I highly recommend.
On the 22nd, I shall be back at Dragon's Den bookstore in Arcadia, FL. Maria DeVivo will also be joining me. If you are into witchy horror, angels vs demons, or just weird elf stories, come check her out.
It will be a fun time and the bookstore is wonderful and newly renovated. Well, they got killer new bookshelves. So, does that count?
Then, on the 23rd, I will be at Brevard Library Con.
Last year was my first time doing this show. I had no idea what to expect as smaller shows are hit or miss. This was definitely a hit. Loved the guests and vendors, location, staff ... everything. So, I am happy to be joining them again this year.
A Moment to Get Real
Anyone who talks to me in person knows I hold back certain aspects of my life on my professional pages. I shall continue to do so as long as possible. I think everyone, no matter where you are in the world, feels something big is happening and that is not necessarily a good thing. So, I offer this. Take a moment and breathe. Take a moment and think about all those you love and the wonder of nature around you. Admire the architecture of that skyscraper you walk by on your way to the office. Visit your favorite hot dog, hamburger, or pizza joint. If you were in Orlando and went to Universal after covid you heard over and over on the intercom that we were in unprecedented times. I think we've gone from unprecedented to turbulent. Neither produces calm waters. So, please, find a moment each day and take it for yourself to find that calm and joy we all crave so much. Perhaps in those few minutes we are truly alone in the bathroom or while smoking a cigarette or even in your drive to work while blasting Billie Elish or Billy Idol. But please, take care of yourself.
Don't forget to stop by my other site and check out the ever-expanding selection of glow in the dark shirt designs.
They wash with darks and can go right into the dryer. Sure, turn them inside out to wash if you prefer.
As the cold Midwest hits hard, I do offer hoodies. Just an fyi.
Last, but definitely not least, in my search for a name for the newsletter, I have reached a decision. It's tongue in cheek, so don't think my head has gotten bigger than it already it. But March will be the first in The Cult of Savage Newsletters.
Please take care of yourself and those around you. See you all soon!