Wow. It's been quite a start to 2022. Outside of writing, I do convention booths where I sell t-shirts and fan art I design. All of my merchandise is glow in the dark and black light reactive.
I had one convention lined up that did not go as well as planned for any vendor. While we did okay, it was not the money maker we all had hoped. However, a week before that con I got an email about a spot opening up at another convention I was wait-listed for. That was amazing. (There's a point to all this, I swear.)
And that point is: Things happen and we have to learn to adapt to our surroundings. I have written and self-published 6 novels in 2 series. I am working on the 4th in one series. I have been picked up by 4 Horsemen Publishing - a traditional publisher, not a vanity. This is a dream come true. Bringing it all around, my manuscript is due in a few weeks. Having had it finished already, I went back through it a few times and made a few tweaks. Submit. Now, I wait. While I wait, there are all these questions that spring to mind. Little things I never realized could be so important to being part of a publishing house vs doing it all independently. But the questions are there, in my mind. So, I reach out and ask because you have to be able to adapt to your surroundings as they change.
Sometimes that is harder than other times. But this is exciting new territory for me and I want to do it the best I can. All of this means my editor, marketing manager, and manager all get multiple questions a day from me right now while I explore this new terrain.
I know I normally write blogs that have some deep meaning, or moral point, today, I am keeping it light. Just getting out some mental blockage that has me a little fidgety.
Here's hoping that as 2022 continues, it stays as wonderfully exciting as it started. Stay amazing and, until next time, be good.