Here's hoping that everyone celebrated safely last night. The unfortunate thing is that judging by the endless sirens all night and the news about New Orleans, not everyone made it to 2025 safe or alive. I was in my 20s once, too. Even then, despite all the stupid things I did, I made it this far. There was no small amount of luck involved. In fact, it was quite a large amount. So now, I do not press that luck. My wife and I stayed in watching Goodfellas and The Birdcage while I worked on a puzzle. It was wonderful.

Thank You to The West Haven Undead
There is not a newsletter long enough to go through everything in my head about the final book in the series and putting that story to rest. The west Haven Undead was a project that started years ago. I was 28 if I remember properly. I am about to turn 45 in one month. What started as a little screenplay that was a great idea and terribly executed, somehow turned into a good portion of my life.
I sit here typing this, not knowing where to go or what to talk about. There are so many stories I could talk about the friends who were along for the journey at the start, the one who stayed by myside the whole ride, the wonderful woman who joined the journey and talked me through many times of self-doubt.
I could talk the story itself for days on end. The little and big nods to my favorite movies, songs, shows, and books or the symbolism and literary tools I used to help tell the story. I honestly don't know. It is all very overwhelming sometimes to have finished such a monumental project.
Except here's the thing. Now, I am working on turning the world (hopefully the characters we love and know) into a pilot for a series. There's too many steps and hurdles to count to make this seem like something that is a definite, but I am doing my best with my people to line up all our ducks, put them in a row, and make this happen.
So, I will say this. If you still have not started the series, now is the time since the final book is sitting with my publisher going through the second editing stage before beginning cover design and typeset. or or Amazon.
Dive into a modern series that redefines the monsters we have come to know.
I am still debating the title of the fifth and final book. So, no official word yet on that. Once I finalize it, I will tell you all.
Usually, my newsletters cover all my works. But because I am keeping this short. A way to give attention to the series above. Thank you all for being part of this journey. Enjoy the stories and the meanings they hold. May 2025 be better than ever.
One Last Thing
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