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August 2023-Title Reveal!

Writer: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

Ah, August. What can be said about the heat that hasn't been said before? Not much, and honestly, it's too darn hot to be witty right now. Florida nights are finally cooling off to low 80s with real feels not much higher and daytime temp reaching over the 100 with real feels pushing 120. While I am not a meteorologist, I can tell ya, it's hot. That said, what better way to cool off than with a new book in a series or new book series?

But before I get into that, I want to welcome all new members for joining. Thank you very much for being part of this. I hope you all enjoy.


Upcoming Books!

The West Haven Undead series is swimming along and book 4 should be back in my hand by the end of this month for final edits. And I know you're thinking I already said something to this effect last month. I did. You're right. Right now, you want to know the title! So here it is, the 4th and penultimate book in the series is A Vampire Named Allison. Anyone who's been keeping up on the series knows that her story has been leading up to something, and this is it. A chance to see where everything has led. That said if you haven't started this series, now is the time, A Vampire Named Allison won't release until around Feb. 2024. Start with either book 1, Us of Legendary Gods, or book 3, The West Haven Undead, before diving into book 4. If you start with book 3, you will still be able to enjoy all the happenings in books 1 and 2 afterward. Of course, authors love nothing more than for people to start discussions about their books or ask the authors burning questions they can't seem to shake. I am always reachable on Facebook or IG. While I am on Tik Tok I'm not on often enough and Twitter/X is a hot mess. But there's that. And all authors enjoy the love people give their books, so talk away. Turn Facebook into a book club. If contemporary fantasy isn't your cup of tea, in addition to book 5 in the series, I am back to working on the long-teased and long-anticipated World Whore, D. I am trying something out of left field for me and it seems to be coming together quite swimmingly. World Whore, D is my venture into both comedy and noir with a bit of reverse harem in there. In addition, it will also be my first stand-alone book. Something I have never done and would love to do more of, I think. But what is this book I speak of? World Whore, D is a noir detective comedy about embracing the sexual side of ourselves and not being embarrassed about it. In other words, letting our freak flags fly. But that's the moral of the story, the story itself is about a detective taking on a case that has long haunted his memories, and one he might have otherwise passed on if it weren't for the heat wave and his broken air conditioning. More to come on this book in next month's news letter, though.

Who's that kid?

Connor DeSalvo

With A Vampire Named Allison gearing up for release, I thought someone close to her would make for a good spotlight since I introduced Allison in the newsletter a few months back. Connor is Allison's boyfriend. While he is also in the Nation, his tendency is to help understand this new world around them, unlike Allison whose denial is one of the factors driving a wedge between them. Connor while intelligent is a bit of a slacker. Sure, he was the star pitcher for varsity baseball in high school, but those days are over. Now, he is navigating the path to adulthood while trying to hold onto the remaining friends and family he has.

I ended up doing 2 panels at Tampa Bay Comic Con this year. Both were the first time I have ever done such panels and had a blast doing both. The choose your own adventure panel was fun. All improv and the audience got to decide where the story went at certain points, it was fun to hear it unfold as 6 authors added their twist to the story. If you were there, you know how much I love Pauly Shore, so I am glad he got his zombified revenge.

The second panel was about writing humor. It was Bob Dixon and myself. We have two very different approaches to writing humor so it was nice to talk about those opposite ends of the same goal. I met a lot of aspiring writers and had great talks with a couple of them after the panel for far longer than any of us thought we would. Much enjoyed and appreciated.


August Ultracon, 25-27 South FL Expo Center, West Palm Beach September Ancient City Con 15-17 St. Augustine, FL, World Golf Village Renaissance Resort October Spooky Empire 27-29, Hyatt Regency, Orlando I had to update some of my author links, especially to Facebook. So, if you are already following me, you should be fine. If you choose to stalk me from the shadows and click the LinkTree each time, check out the new links below. As always, if you have any questions for me, want to know what makes me tick, or anything else, I can always be reached at or at any of my links in my LinkTree The best gifts you can give an author are to leave an honest review and to tell your friends about us. Spread the love and until next month, be good.


4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305


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