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December 2023... how is it the last month already?

Writer: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

So much mental noise... but I also offer a coupon code.

Before I dig into what's clogging my mind, I want to say thank you to everyone who takes time out of their day to read about what's happening in my strange, little world. It's the small things that mean so much to me and other authors. Thank you for keeping us going. First, I will be updating the event list at the bottom to include stuff heading into 2024. I have a few things planned. it's nice since the release of A Vampire Named Allison was pushed from Feb 2024 to April 2024. Mental noise. I blame Microsoft Edge. Every time I open up the browser, all I see are articles written from biased perspectives (on all sides) trying to convince me that the world is falling apart. Whatever happened to unbiased news reporting? Eh, maybe it's my fault for not changing my homepage on load-up. Give me a second while I do that! And ... done. Hopefully, that will give me some peace of mind. As I write this, I shall try to include stuff that pops into my mind as I write.


November sum-up.

November didn't happen in my mind. I can't remember much of it, which is strange. I had a show, Maker Faire Orlando in the beginning, and that went well. But I talked about that in my late November letter. My family came into town to visit. That's always nice to see them. But the rest was spent painting shirts for my December shows. It kind of reminded me of that Nine Inch Nails song that sings, "Every day is exactly the same." It was one of those months. Honestly, I was so busy playing catch-up, I didn't get much of a chance to write. That guilt has been weighing heavily on me and tomorrow I should finally have a chance to write a few thousand words! That makes me happy. Below is a promo for my art website. If you've never checked it out, I spent the last two days revamping the site. I still have a little more to go but it's far more user-friendly than before. And since you all read my stuff month after month, use the coupon code "Subscriber" (No quotes) to save 15% on all purchases now through December 25. As always, shirts are free shipping!

Savage Canvas Arts
Savage Canvas Arts


What else?

Not book related, but I learned how to change out an alternator on my Hyundai. That was an exciting experience. Just something to note, the tension mount bolt should not be put in backward. It does not hold it properly. Other than that, everything went swimmingly. I shall leave you with this, a note on my mental noise. No matter what our opinions are on what other people do, it costs nothing to be kind. It costs nothing to say a kind word. And please don't mistake being crass for being honest. The difference might be slight sometimes, but the difference can mean more than we think. Below, I leave you with the editor from the last issue. If you are a writer, author, inspiring, etc., etc., she is a treasured tool to have at your disposal.


"Kris has been a dream editor. She takes the time to talk to me and make sure we are on the same page. She explains comments or changes if I have any questions. The criticism is always constructive, and she has never failed to make time for discussions. I cannot recommend a better editor."  -Amanda Fasciano
Testimonial For K Cotter Editing

Kris Cotter Editing

All authors, great and small, need editing. I do not care if you are Stephen King or Nemo, you need an editor. Editing and finding a good editor is about more than finding someone who will correct grammar mistakes. A good editor will let you know what works well within your voice, and what doesn't, offer suggestions on fixing broken things, and be upfront enough to tell you when you are not pulling off what you think you are. One such editor is Kris Cotter. For some people, she is their first editor, like myself. For others, she is their last before publication. But no matter where an editor lies in the process, a good editor will only serve to elevate your writing. Remember the adage, a rising tide raises all ships. Never be afraid of the notes bestowed on you by an editor. A good working relationship with an editor is a wonderful thing. As for adages, anyone with a tattoo knows a good tattoo isn't cheap and a cheap tattoo isn't good. The same can be said for editors. But I'm not here to lecture, so I'll leave it at that. For anyone looking for a new editor, or looking for the first time, here is her link. Her testimonals are at the bottom of her home page.


Upcoming events!

Dec 3, SW FL Con, FT. Meyers, Crown Pointe Plaza

Dec 9, Books at Park Place

Dec 17, Spookala Pop-Up Event, downtown Ocala

Jan. 6, Cocoa Beach Library 10-3

Feb. 17, SyFy Bartow, Downtown Bartow, FL

March 2-3 House of Mouse Expo, St. Cloud, FL

March 16, Festival of the Arts, Ft. Meade, FL

April 5-7 Spookala, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, FL

May 17-19 Spooky Empire Mayhem, Orlando, FL

Aug 3, Bartow Con, Bartow, FL

Sept 13-15 Ancient City Con, St. Augustine, FL

Sept 20-22 Ultra Con, West Palm Beach, FL


I had to update some of my author links, especially to Facebook. So, if you are already following me, you should be fine. If you choose to stalk me from the shadows and click the LinkTree each time, check out the new links below.

As always, if you have any questions for me, want to know what makes me tick, or anything else, I can always be reached at or at any of my links in my LinkTree

The best gifts you can give an author are to leave an honest review and to tell your friends about us. Spread the love and until next month, be good.


4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305


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