I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving this past week. It literally could not have come at a later time in the month. I know we push that day as a time for family, but that doesn't exclude those we think of as family. Never be afraid to invite a friend along, especially if they are unable to be with others. On the opposite side of that, never be afraid to abstain from celebrations if you aren't feeling up to it for whatever reason. Selfcare is very important. That's it. That's my opening rant.
My wife and I celebrated Thanksgiving just the two of us. We live far from family and a trip home this year was not possible, but it did allow us to kick off our annual Nintendo Lego season. After beating Lego LOTR and Star Wars the last two years, we are conquering Lego Batman this year. (The first Lego Batman for any inquiring minds.) But we ate cornbread stuffing, definitely recommend trying if you never have) green bean casserole, homemade cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and sourdough sandwich bread, and Morning Star ch'kn patties. As traditional a T-day meal can be while vegetarian. But regardless of what anyone ate, I hope they got to be with the ones the loved instead of having to settle on loving the ones they were with. (That is my way of saying restaurants and retail should be closed.)

Now the Christmas season is upon us. I think each of our views on the season is as varied as the ornaments on their or their friend's tree. So, all I will say is that no matter which holiday you celebrate this season-there are over ten major religious holidays between Nov and Dec-I hope you celebrate with those you love and cherish the moments together.
With Black Friday over and holiday shopping in full swing, our wallets slowly empty as we try to buy all the gifts we want to give our friends and family. Save a few bucks on your books this Monday at www.4horsemenpublications.com as all books are 50% off. Of course, I want everyone to help make me a best-selling author, but that wish aside, all the books by every author are 50% off. So, find that perfect gift for your family, friend, or treat yourself. (I sound like an effin' commercial sometimes. My apologies.)
December first, (today if you read this when I sent it) I will be at SW Florida Con at their new venue at the Hilton in Estero, FL right by Ft. Myers. This is a great one-day show with lots of cool people, vendors, and celebrities. I always have a blast at these shows and love the people who come by. They are great family-friendly shows. I understand that not everyone come to the shows and say, "hi" while picking up new merch. So, now until the end of the year, newsletter subscribers can use the coupon code SavageNews (all one word) in my online store to save 15% while snatching up some cool merch. While I can't guarantee orders will make it in time to be under the tree, I can say they'll be worth the wait. And, of course, I'll do my best to make sure they'll be there in time for the holiday.
I'll end with this: The years come and fly by before some of us realize they started. Another year gone by and another year we look back at everything we have yet to accomplish. I say this, take it easy on yourself. It costs nothing to be kind. Life is not a race to some finish line because we all know what that finish line means. So, slow down when you can. Make time for yourself and your friends and family. Enjoy the moments together for they may be far fewer than you realize. But the end of the year doesn't mean the end of it all. Celebrate the small victories and enjoy the little things. Until 2025, happy holidays and have a safe and happy new year!