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Happy Birthday to Me!

Writer: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

January is over and the year keeps marching on. On the 5th, I shall be turning 44. While I do feel the pains of aging, or maybe pains still haunting me from my youth, I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here.

Cozy picture of February Caledar

But dwell in the moment I cannot, for I finally have a release date locked in for A Vampire Named Allison. I also come bearing news on the long anticipated graphic novel, Coma Noir.

So this shall be a short but sweet newsletter. And forgive any typos, I am typing this on my Surface Pro. I love it immensely, but the keys are bit small for my hands.

Before I dig in, I want to say welcome to my new subscribers and enjoy the ride!


SW FL Anime Fest

January was a slow month, but good things come to those who wait. Right, ketchup lovers? Bad references aside, the above-mentioned con was great, proving once again that people still love books and glow-in-the-dark shirts. It was such a fun show. All that show runner's shows are good, but meeting new readers and fans of the clothes is always a great time for me.

A little cover tease below until we get closer to the release date of the fourth and penultimate book in The West Haven Undead, A Vampire Named Allison. I am hoping that this upcoming release is my best yet. Be on the look out for your chance to grab a free copy in exchange for honest reviews, or if you prefer, pre-orders so you can have a physical copy to love and cherish. August 9th, 2024. I was hoping for June, but the publisher wants to do a little more marketing to drive interest in the series and book. Aug. 9th, 2024, mark your calender.

Last, but not least, Coma Noir, by debut graphic novel, in collaboration with Hot Trash Comix and Stavros Giannopolis of The Atlas Moth, will go on pre-order soon through

Cover Tease of A Vampire Named Allison


Upcoming events!

Feb. 17, SyFy Bartow, Downtown Bartow, FL

March 2-3 House of Mouse Expo, St. Cloud, FL

March 16, Festival of the Arts, Ft. Meade, FL

April 5-7 Spookala, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, FL

April 27th Largo Playcon, Largo, FL

May 17-19 Spooky Empire Mayhem, Orlando, FL

Aug 3, Bartow Con, Bartow, FL

Sept 13-15 Ancient City Con, St. Augustine, FL

Sept 20-22 Ultra Con, West Palm Beach, FL


As always, if you have any questions for me, want to know what makes me tick, or anything else, I can always be reached at or at any of my links.

The best gifts you can give an author are to leave an honest review and to tell your friends about us. Spread the love and until next month, be good.


4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305


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