Thank God August is over! Not that I have anything against the month itself, but the fact it's historically the hottest month of the year and I live in Florida, I am happy to start a slow cool down. Hurricane Idalia came through but only grazed me. Others that I know were not so lucky. Everyone needs to make sure loved ones affected are safe and secure if you haven't already. Then again, if you haven't already, start reading the news a bit more. (that was a dry joke)(too dry?) Anyhow, I will let everyone know how August went and what's planned for this month. Ancient City Con is in a couple weeks and a much needed vacation to my homeland of Chicago shortly after! But before I get into those things, I want to welcome all new members for joining. Thank you very much for being part of this. I hope you all enjoy.
The West Haven Undead
While we all wait for A Vampire Named Allison to release in Feb 2024, breathe easy in the fact I turned in my final edits yesterday! I still have to approve the typeset and cover design, but the hard stuff for me is done. Not that I think cover design or typesetting is easy. It's not. But that's in someone else's hands. And yes, I much appreciate all the effort and time put into those aspects of the book. Without giving away any spoilers, both my editors loved the book and both were saddened by some of the events. Blair Parke, my editor at 4 Horsemen Publications, did say this book was the most mature writing and the best insights into the characters than any of the previous books. I took that as a compliment since I want each book to be better than the previous. My first editor did cry when reading it. Also a compliment in my opinion. Sad scenes should evoke emotions.
Of course, if you still haven't read any of them or are missing one or two, now is the time to catch up. A quick note on that, if you are searching for book 3 in the series, Amazon, for whatever reason, will not list it as part of the series, so you have to search for the book The West Haven Undead. And if you happen to be on Goodreads and stop by my little corner, One Choice is NOT my book but they will not remove it from my page. Sometimes things like that happen.

Other stuff this month
First, the above shot is nothing more than shameless self-promotion. I mean, what else is a newsletter for? Coming up on the 15-17 you can find me at Ancient City Con in St. Augustine! It is one of my favorite cons to do throughout the year and am very excited to be back again this year! Woot woot!
Last weekend I was down in West Palm for Ultracon and it was nothing short of phenomenal. I had an absolute blast and I even had people running up to my booth who hunted me down at a show I did not do this year. They were very happy to see me and bought a bunch of shirts. Very, very cool to have people love what you do. I also added a one-day author event in Melbourne, FL at the Viera Regional Community Center on Oct 1st. There will be a bunch of authors, so come on down!

It's been a hot minute since I've had a featured author on my newsletter. Head on over to and check out all the cool authors at the publisher. Head to a bookstore and buy a book judging it by its cover. Either way, enjoy yourself a good read.
September Ancient City Con 15-17 St. Augustine, FL, World Golf Village Renaissance Resort
Oct 1, Brevard Library Con, 11-4 Viera Regional Community Center
October Spooky Empire 27-29, Hyatt Regency, Orlando
November 4-5, Maker Faire Orlando, Central FL Fairgrounds
I had to update some of my author links, especially to Facebook. So, if you are already following me, you should be fine. If you choose to stalk me from the shadows and click the LinkTree each time, check out the new links below.
As always, if you have any questions for me, want to know what makes me tick, or anything else, I can always be reached at or at any of my links in my LinkTree
The best gifts you can give an author are to leave an honest review and to tell your friends about us. Spread the love and until next month, be good.
4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305