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July 2023, or something catchier

Writer: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

Celebrate The Holiday Safely

July is a great month, not just because of the fireworks but because of summer! Nothing says fun like the beach, waves, and a few beers while kicking around a soccer ball or tossing a Frisbee. I may also be stuck in the 1980's. Who knows? As always, I want to say welcome to new members!!! Enjoy my strange world summed up in my monthly newsletter. July is a busy month for me, but not on the road. I have no shows this month, though I may have a few panels. That is still undetermined. Without further ado, on to the good stuff!!!


What's in the pipeline?

Well, the series titled third book in The West Haven Undead, (The West Haven Undead) released and peaked at number 7 in Sci-Fi Crime and Mysteries. That had me a little excited. Thank you to everyone who helped me reach that goal. Breaking a top ten in any category is always a cool thing to see happen.

If you haven't had a chance to start the series, book 3 is a great place to start before going back to books 1 and 2. Of course, you can always start at book 1.

But enough of that. I am sure if you subscribe to a newsletter, you know how to read a book series and all that jazz. I am finishing up book 4 in The West Haven Undead right now. The first draft is with my first editor making sure I dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's, so to speak. And making sure I didn't mess up my timeline. Once I get that back, I finish it up and send it off to my publisher for the second round of edits.

I am sure at least one of you is curious about the title of the upcoming book. Well, I am still finalizing that which means by the time August's newsletter comes, I should have a cool announcement.

But having finished book 4 means that I get to start plotting and planning the final book in the series! Words cannot express how excited I am to be at this stage in the journey. It's been a long time coming from self-published to traditional publishing and seeing this series in its entirety will be wonderful. But as all good things must come to an end, that means my next book will also be continued to be worked on.


Who's that guy?

Raymond Chandler-

No, not the author, but the character from The West Haven Undead series. While there may be a lot of rumors floating around about him in the high school halls, he is a quiet fellow. Unable to speak, he and his friend December do communicate via a form a telepathy with those that are in The Nation. So, if you ever see a quiet man who's almost too quiet. You have to ask yourself, Are You In?

I kept the cover above since it's my most current release. I will change it next month, I promise. But since The West Haven Undead is coming to a close as I start writing book 5, I also get to start on what will be my first stand-alone book, World Whore, D.

What started as a joke between AP Foote and myself, has turned into something my publisher and lead editor want to read. Having already written the first two chapters and liking what I saw, I am finishing the book. This reverse harem, detective, noir comedy will be my newest venture.

While I have no proper blurb yet, I will ramble a little. It is a book about embracing your sexuality, finding confidence in who you are, and embracing the joys of sex. When a girl wants to surprise her girlfriend with a male partner for a threesome, she discovers that finding a new partner is more than she bargained for. So she hires a detective to do her legwork. A task he finds is met with many pleasant memories about this woman as he interviews potential fun-time partners.

It will be sexy, fun, funny, and most importantly a way to embrace the spicy side of life.


In July, you can find me at Tampa Bay Comic Con panels on Saturday, July 29th.


Cocoa Beach Public Library, 3rd, from 11 a.m. until we're done.

Ultracon, 25-27 South FL Expo Center, West Palm Beach


Ancient City Con 15-17 St. Augustine, FL, World Golf Village Renaissance Resort


Spooky Empire 27-29, Hyatt Regency, Orlando

I had to update some of my author links, especially to Facebook. So, if you are already following me, you should be fine. If you choose to stalk me from the shadows and click the LinkTree each time, check out the new links below.

As always, if you have any questions for me, want to know what makes me tick, or anything else, I can always be reached at or at any of my links in my LinkTree

The best gifts you can give an author are to leave an honest review and to tell your friends about us. Spread the love and until next month, be good.


4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305


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