June is a great month—Pride month, the first full month of summer for school kids, and, for me, at least, it marks the release of The West Haven Undead on June 3rd!
A hearty welcome to new members!!! I am glad you decided to join my strange world summed up in my monthly newsletter.
After last month's highly successful Spooky Empire's Mayhem, I have Spookala next on the roadshow. June 9-11 at The World Equestrian Center in Ocala, FL. I will have my books, of course, and I will have many, many glow-in-the-dark t-shirt designs all hand painted by me. I am very excited for this show.
But, onward to the good stuff!!!
A little about my series and upcoming release
Since announcing the title of the next book in The West Haven Undead series, The West Haven Undead, I have had more than a few people ask if naming the book after the series was a good idea. Well, here's the rub, this book, and the first two were originally self-published under a different series name and when 4 Horsemen Publications signed me, I wanted to have a series name more aligned with the genre and feel of the story. The title of this book fits well with the series. So, I named the series after the third book. That said, this book is the last book the 4 Horsemen Publications is releasing of mine that was originally self-published. June 3rd marks the end of my once self-published phase as everything will be under them, but with publishing came better edits, better story, better typeset, and better covers. So, to those who read this and wonder why authors might want to leave self-publishing for the traditional route ... it's because everything is better this way. At least for me, it is. I can't speak for every author, but I can't thank the universe enough that they thought my stories worthy of publication.
As I did my last newsletter, introducing a character to you from the series, I wanted to take a moment to mention Allison's best friend, Scarlett McAllister. While Scarlett is unsure where she fits in in the world, she is happy to enjoy the moment as it plays out. Though, as things in the story progress, she finds that now knowing where she fits in is not always the best of feelings. While she enjoys her friendships and family relations, she loves spending time at the cemetery catching up her parents on the latest news in her life.

The West Haven Undead
In case the rest of the newsletter didn't say it enough, June 3rd marks the official release of The West Haven Undead (book 3 in The West Haven Undead series) Pick it up online anywhere books are sold or head over to 4HorsemenPublications.com and snatch one up. The West Haven Undead is a great way to jump into the series if you haven't already, before heading back to books 1 and 2. Or start with Us of Legendary Gods and So We Stay Hidden before jumping into the newest release. Either way, you have awesome stories waiting!!!

A mysterious stranger called Ashby is selling promises of self-empowerment to the town's misguided youth via a mysterious drug that seems to be doing more harm than good. As the death rate rises, Ashby arms himself with lies that could destroy The Nation.
With the adults distracted by their own problems surrounding The Nation, the Legends will have to reach out to the Normals, Duncan and Rex to help track down the elusive drug dealer. The team falters, however, as Bri and Duncan's relationship grows stronger; something not lost on Allison, who still struggles with feelings for Bri. Together, the friends must help Rex through his revelation that West Haven is not as quiet as it seems, stop Ashby, and overcome their own insecurities about who they are before believing the falsehoods they are told.
Featured Author
JP Corwyn
This is an author who went the same route as me, self-published to traditional publishing. His first book under the 4 Horsemen Publications banner, The Drums of Unrest is an epic high-fantasy that I've had the pleasure of reading before the release in its 237k word entirety and it is worth every word. While the book is still a few months from release, keep this name in the back of your minds and an eye out for it hitting the market. You definitely don't want to miss this.
June you can find me at Spookala in the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, FL the 9th through 11th!
The show has great vendors, me, and a bunch of celebrities that will have you feeling all the nostalgia and current crushes.
I had to update some of my author links, especially to Facebook. So, if you are already following me, you should be fine. If you choose to stalk me from the shadows and click the LinkTree each time, check out the new links below.
As always, if you have any questions for me, want to know what makes me tick, or anything else, I can always be reached at Nick@TheAuthorNickSavage.com or at any of my links in my LinkTree https://linktr.ee/theauthornicksavage
The best gifts you can give an author are to leave an honest review and to tell your friends about us. Spread the love and until next month, be good.
4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305