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Life Updates

Writer: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

I have nothing amazing, life changing, cathartic, or profound coursing through my mind at this moment. My mind does that sometimes, and it's okay. All of our minds shut off sometimes.

Mine shuts off when I finish a draft. Which I did recently. My 6th novel is complete-ish. Now comes the proofreading, rewrites, edits, and all the fun stuff that makes the voices in my head make sense on the page.

But, like most people, when I reach the finish line of a marathon, I need a rest. We all do. It's natural and okay. This week I am painting a slew of new paintings for a show on Sunday. Come Monday, I start of the next step of my book before sending it off to the first proofreader other than myself. But that's a way's off.

We all need breaks and sometimes more often than other times. We have become so accustomed to working 24/7 that when we need breaks we have this built in guilt, or anxiety, that pushes us to get going again. That is not okay. Rest is good. We do it every night. Or at least try to. But our minds are so filled with to-do lists that even sleep is not restful.

So, take that break. Breathe. Take a moment or thirty to rest. Relax and enjoy your life. If we are always planting trees we will never enjoy the forest.



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