Apologies for my lack of tech skills...
I have never considered myself especially skilled in the tech department. I have also never considered myself especially bereft either in that way ... that is until last month's newsletter when I made an embarrassing realization. For many months, I have not been mailing out my newsletter to all my subscribers. For that, I am really sorry and feel foolish. I have no clue how to organize my address book on this site. That should have been my first clue as to my lacking tech skills. I think it's been a good four or five months since some of you received a newsletter from me. Again, my bad. That said, going forward, I hope to remedy this by not being a schmuck about that. Moving on. January and February are behind us and 2023 is 1/6 over. (2 months out of 12 for anyone lacking math skills) I can say that since I lack tech skills I thought I had. I hope that everyone is doing well and if anyone has any news they wish to share with me, I'd love to hear it and can always be reached at Nick@TheAuthorNickSavage.com I did my first book signing as a published author. While I had done a number of them as a self-published author, the experience hits differently once you are published. I do want to say thank you to the Barnes & Noble in Brandon, FL for being Kind to us and to Maria DeVivo for setting up the event. I am working on getting another signing set up at a Books-A-Million in Davenport, FL, but that is still a ways off. I, of course, will keep you in the loop on any developments with that. I am hoping to make it a multi-author event as was the Barnes & Noble one. You can find me on all my social media accounts with my linktree here. https://linktr.ee/theauthornicksavage (I am far more fun on social media and most fun on Facebook.) If you wanted to chat via email, Nick@theauthornicksavage.com

The Complete Package
I had this really cool passage all typed out here about the idea behind compiling all three books into one Hardcover for the discerning reader and the publisher thinking we might make more people happy if we also offered paperback. But, in my tech deficiency, deleted all of it and in my frustration upset my wife who was trying to help me with it all. So, I have narrowed it down to this. CLICK HERE to pre-order your copy today! If you need a little enticing as you've not yet read the tragedy of Finn and Faith, here's a little something to whet the appetite. The door shuts behind me, leaving me standing in the hallway of an apartment complex. Naked. Wet. With one sock. And a phone. I take the sock and cover my cock. A cocksock if you will. It’s better than nothing. Not that anyone is out in this storm this late at night. The floor above me provides little shelter from the raging storm. But enough to use my phone. I dial D.B., but he does not answer. Voicemail, a savior, does not make. As the rain beats down on my naked body, I know I must do something fast before someone sees me, before the cops are called, before this escalates worse than it already has. Peering down at the clock reading 12:30 on my phone, I can think of only one person. One person who will answer my call, because she is waiting for me to return her call—hoping for me to call. There is this voice in the back My heart, your hands125of my mind telling me not to call. Not now. Not when nothing I can say to her about this will paint me in a good light. Another voice chimes in. It reminds me that I shouldn’t care, that I owe her nothing. One good conversation and a blowjob is not the foundation for a monogamous relationship. For all I know, she could be in bed being railed by some guy right now. It’s not my business. Though I do find that thought a little less appealing than I’d like.

So We Stay Hidden
Mark your calendars for April 3rd! So We Stay Hidden, book 2 in The West Haven Undead releases! If you have not started the series, grab a copy of Us of Legendary Gods HERE. If you have already read book 1, I would love to read your review—as would others looking for a new series. So We Stay Hidden follows Connor, Allison, Scarlett, Bri, and Jack as they deal with life after the events of prom night. But the blurb always says it best. Balancing high school and being a Legend is more than they bargained for. Scarlett and Briana are tested by a new relationship. Allison and Connor stumble upon a gruesome murder that hits close to home and tears them apart. With changes to the prophecy, Vistrus must find out what the future holds for The Nation by uncovering the secrets of his wife’s past. But corruption runs deep in the Chicago suburb of West Haven and the repercussions of the prom linger. The Legends must take matters into their own hands without losing themselves. Grab yourself a pre-order HERE.
All the above said, I would love to hear your thoughts on which characters are your favorite, which you hated, and of course the why's behind them. Or, if you have any questions, I'd love to answer them. This month you can find me at SW Fl Con, in Ft Meyers, FL, Sunday, March 5th. Until next month!
4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305