First of all, thank you for being part of this journey. It means more to me than a newsletter could say. The meat of this letter is about the entire Finn Fairlane Series! Yes, I will also touch on my other works. Lastly, where you can find me to say hi in person.

Hard Dates for the re-release
As always, before I jump into this section, I have to sort out a quick thought. I love writing, and in so love writing my newsletter. As a reader, I hate being bogged down by newsletters for newsletter's sake. So, I'll be as relevant and new as possible. As I mentioned last letter, The Fairlane Incidents is set to be released (on or around) June 30th, 2022. We were originally planning on doing a release for the next two books in the series every four months. That has changed. I am super excited to say that all three (the entire series!) will be out fully in about four months (give or take) from the June 30th release of part one. Why you ask? Many reasons. First of which, why sit on books that I already wrote? We thought, just get them out there. Second, and playing into the first, when promoting an author from a new publisher, it is best to have multiple books out from that author. We thought it would be best to just release them all. It can't hurt when doing promos. Third, it allows me to release The Nation series (young adult contemporary fantasy) earlier as well. Which leads to the fourth reason. I can get to new works that have yet to be released! That still means if you have the first run of either series - and by that I mean either of the first two covers - hold onto them. They are out of print and will one day be a collector's item. People always want to know what new works I have in progress. Here it is, book 4 in The Nation series is being written. While I have a title in mind, I am keeping that one close to the chest in case I change it. Book 4 will not be the last in that series either. Besides that, I am writing a noir, comedy, reverse harem titles World Whore, D. It's going to be a light, sexy, fun read. I do not know if this will be a series. I think just a one off, at least for now. I will be writing more in both The Fairlane Series and The Nation series one the first story line concludes. Editing and other authors
Yes I am still doing this, but no news as of yet on this front. Tiny section here because I said I wasn't going to write fluff in the newsletter. (Besides that last sentence)
Come say hello
Want to meet me? Grab a signed copy of one of my book? Just have a good conversation? I'll be found at the following events. May 13-15 Spookala at the World Equestrian Center Expo 1 Building Ocala, FL May 19-22 Megacon Orlando, FL June 17-19 Spooky Empire, Orlando, FL July 29-31 Tampa Bay Comic Con Tampa, FL
More about Nick Savage
Want to see more of what I'm about? Head over to my website by clicking the button below. If you want to reach me, please email me from there. And of course, tell all the readers in your life about my books. Share the journey together.