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Migraines and Wellness

Writer: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

This past week has been crazy. I missed my Wednesday blog goal again. I am trying to not let this become a thing, though it apparently already has.

That said, I have been fighting migraines almost daily for about a week now. They ebb and flow or whatever saying I am looking for. But have been taking about 50-100mg of Sumatriptan daily.

I am not here to complain about migraines, but to say this. Please take care of yourself. If you find your are overwhelmed with stress do a quick five minute meditation. has some good ones and always posts news ones each week. Unplug, put down your phone and turn on Do Not Disturb mode. Get out of your house and walk a trail away from the neon lights and consumer traps that try to dip into your pockets.

I love watching animals, from squirrels to Anoles to birds eating out of our bird feeder, and of course, my two wonderful cats. Watching them helps calm me. Don't know why, don't care. It helps me realize that there is more to life than myself.

So please, life is stressful in so many ways. Please take time, if only a few minutes, each day for yourself. Make those moments about you and not what others expect or want or need from you, and not what you want or expect or need from others. The 'you' moments should not involve others. Just you.

I'll leave you with this. Try it once. It may seem and feel strange. Strange to not be thinking about everything going on. You may feel like it's not doing anything for you. Do it a second time, the next day. And a third time. It will feel more comfortable.

Go, do something for yourself. See you next week.



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