First and foremost, a huge welcome to all my new subscribers this month. I apologize that this was not sent out on the first. I will address that later. I want to thank all the newbies and long-timers of this letter for wanting to read it, skim it, and look over it every month to keep up with my world. To summarize October is an impossibility. First of all, my wedding anniversary is October 31. That date will always be special to me. And yes, we know we got married on Halloween back in 2013. I highly recommend a costume wedding reception for anyone looking to do something fun, memorable, and less traditional than a normal wedding. They are so much fun. Speaking of anniversaries, Spooky Empire's 20th was this year, and it was insane. Not only was it our best Spooky show to date, it was also our best show to date. Something has to be said about my progress when people are buying Modern Romance books at a horror/Halloween convention. Many thanks to all of you who did that! Also, a couple who bought shirts from me wore them when they met Keifer Sutherland. I was pretty stoked that he said he liked the shirts. I also did Spookala with 4 Horsemen Publications for two of the days. Also, a huge blast. I shall be there in my booth during their April show in 2024. Starting off October was the Brevard Library Con which was a big surprise in the size of their crowd. I hope to return next year! Instead of featuring an author this month, I am going to feature two editors. I know a lot of authors and inspiring authors read other authors' newsletters. I figured I would mention those who make me look better.
Sorry I'm Late
My wife and I celebrated our 10-year wedding anniversary this year. We try to keep it low-key. We ventured out of our house and explored Orlando a bit. We always enjoy each other's company but we both agreed that the city seemed dull. It was a very strange day. Even our dinner at Maggiano's, which is our favorite restaurant, wasn't up to par. The service was great as was the food and drink, but something was off in the atmosphere of the day. But that came right after Spooky Empire and then right after that was Maker Fair Orlando. (another great show and educational as well. I highly recommend it.) But that is why I did not get this out on the first. I blanked out their faces since I didn't know if they wanted themselves plastered all over a newsletter.

What else?
My next book, A Vampire Named Allison, got its release date pushed back. I mentioned previously that it was supposed to drop on Feb 3rd. Now, it is looking like April 1st. For those who are caught up on the series, now is the time to reread and find some of the things you missed. For those who are not caught up, you have a little extra time. Other than that, I am chugging away on the fifth and final book in the main series. I am toying with the idea of writing one-off books in the series after the five-parter is done. Moving on!

Kris Cotter Editing
All authors, great and small, need editing. I do not care if you are Stephen King or Nemo, you need an editor. Editing and finding a good editor is about more than finding someone who will correct grammar mistakes. A good editor will let you know what works well within your voice, and what doesn't, offer suggestions on fixing broken things, and be upfront enough to tell you when you are not pulling off what you think you are. One such editor is Kris Cotter. For some people, she is their first editor, like myself. For others, she is their last before publication. But no matter where an editor lies in the process, a good editor will only serve to elevate your writing. Remember the adage, a rising tide raises all ships. Never be afraid of the notes bestowed on you by an editor. A good working relationship with an editor is a wonderful thing. As for adages, anyone with a tattoo knows a good tattoo isn't cheap and a cheap tattoo isn't good. The same can be said for editors. But I'm not here to lecture, so I'll leave it at that. For anyone looking for a new editor, or looking for the first time, here is her link. Her testimonals are at the bottom of her home page.
Upcoming events!
Dec 3, SW FL Con, FT. Meyers, Crown Pointe Plaza
Dec 9, Books at Park Place
Dec 17, Spookala Pop Up Event, downtown Ocala
I had to update some of my author links, especially to Facebook. So, if you are already following me, you should be fine. If you choose to stalk me from the shadows and click the LinkTree each time, check out the new links below.
As always, if you have any questions for me, want to know what makes me tick, or anything else, I can always be reached at or at any of my links in my LinkTree
The best gifts you can give an author are to leave an honest review and to tell your friends about us. Spread the love and until next month, be good.
4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305