As always, I want to start off by saying thank you to all my new subscribers. I hope you enjoy the journey. And that following me on my socials makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Last month I had my two best shows to date! I cannot express enough gratitude to everyone who made it such a success. I did do something new at Ancient City Con. I convinced my wife to join me at the hotel. She loved it as much as I did. If you ever get to see the Renaissance (Marriot) at the World Golf Resort in St. Augustine, it is such a beautiful hotel. My absolute favorite lobby of any hotel. The staff, too, is so wonderful and accommodating. I look forward to this sow every year. It was also wonderful seeing old clients and friends. There is a saying in (any) business that your clients will become your friends before your friends become your clients. It is true ... to a point. I have had many loose-knit friends becomes readers and wearers of my shirts and since become closer-knit. It's nice to feel like what I am doing matters to people on some level. Thank you all for that. But time marches on and October awaits!
First up on my October stop, Spookala. This show is a strange one for me. There was some movement on my end with this show. Instead of doing a full-sized vendor booth I am doing an artist alley table selling only my books. But because of the moving around, I am placed the in "entertainment and props" room which I am pretty sure is a fancy name for celebrity room. There are a few other authors in there, so I might be wrong. But come see me at booth A27 and say hello. I might be lonely. I don't know. This show is also one of the shows I love doing. It's four in a row that are wonderful. So, see you in a few days, maybe.
Right after Spookala, I have three days to recover before heading into Spooky Empire! Again, one of my top four shows! Sept/Oct are such wonderful times! Not much to say right now about Spooky Empire except it's awesome and if you've never been, it is a must do.
Why a radio station logo you ask? I'll tell you. I'm going to be back on the air Oct 11 9:00 AM EST (8 Central) I have no clue how to translate that for anyone overseas. And yes, no matter where you live you can listen! They have a phone app Dakota Broadcasting, and you can listen anywhere! I'll be back on for about 10-15 minutes with Mark Besozzi on his morning show, Besozzi in the Morning. (They put a lot of thought into that name.) I will be talking about ... I don't know. I'll have to see what Mark has in store. So tune in!

I am still chugging away at the latest and final book in the series. Wrapping up what needs and leaving open what doesn't. I promise this book will deliver on everything it's been leading up to. Not much more to add at this moment because no one like spoilers. But I am very excited for this book and can't wait for everyone to read it!

Why am I putting books for a past series here? Because once I am done with The West Haven Undead, I shall be revisiting The Fairlane Series. There are always two sides to every story, and I think it's high time we heard Faith's. While I am still mulling title possibilities in my head, I have one in mind that I think is more than fitting. But for that, we must wait.
It's funny because as I write these newsletters, I realize how boring my life is. I am no longer 21-year-old who's out getting wasted every night and spending the next day trying to remember what happened while nursing the hangover. And the truth of it is, I am happier this way. There's something to be said for simplicity. Anyway, that just popped in my head while writing this and thought I'd share it with you.
Currently Reading
One Wrong Summer by Julia Bodwell. I've literally only read the first chapter, but I'll say this; she's setting up some cool stuff about the MC and her idiosyncrasies. Very cool details so early on. I am excited to continue reading this. It is not a light-hearted beach read or popcorn romance. It touched on some heavy issues, so it's right up my alley. I know all this from having a conversation about the book, not because the first chapter is that intense. But that said, check it out.
I think that's about all for this month. If you have any questions you'd like to ask, let me know. I'll always answer. Whether it is about my works or something to do in Florida, I am here for you.
Until next time, be good,