I've been ill. I may still be. December 30th I was at a market selling my books, art, and t-shirts as I do every Thursday. About half way through the night I started getting the shakes, and felt all around sick for no good reason. I spent the next week mostly in bed. By the following Wednesday (2 days ago at time of writing this) I felt about 85% better. By Thursday, (yesterday as of writing this) I felt 99% better. Today, though, I am feeling like I took a few steps back. It is not fun. Especially in today's environment. I know I shall be fine in the end, but at this moment, it is not as fun as we wish it would be when we are healthy. A few days to relax and do nothing is never as fun as we imagine when we don't have the choice to do so, because then all that we can think about is the laundry list of things we have yet to do and are falling behind on.
I say all this not to garner sympathy from whomever reads this. I say this as a reminder that when we are sick, regardless of the list of things needing to be done, rest. Let your body recover. It sounds like the obvious and easy thing to do, but I find that the obvious thing to do is never as easy as it appears.
I have a few days until my publisher contacts me about everything they have planned for my books, and future. While I can't rest as easy as I would like to, I am also not the same level of ill I was 5 days ago. So, I will rest when I can and work on what needs to be done until I can breathe easy again. (No pun intended. Breathing is not the easiest right now.) I guess, if there is anything to take away from this short post, it is that life is there to rest when needed. So, please, rest well and tread lightly...at least until you make a full recovery. Then you can rage on.