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Simple Ideas

Writer: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

"I've been told if you want to do something, get out there and do it. Don't wait for things to happen. Don't wait for things to come to you. They won't" ~Finn Fairlane~

What the hell does that have to do with anything? Everything. But to understand how that ties into a blog post titles Simple Ideas, I need to back up a bit.

A week ago, from the time of writing this, my buddy and I were talking about starting up a podcast together. We still are. But to the point, he thought it'd be great as at one point, I had one and thus some experience behind how to do it all. He lives in LA and I in Orlando. We thought the bi-coastal thing, the fact we are best friends but very different, would make a great show. So? Where am I going with this?

Tonight, we had a conversation about the show. We were spitballing ideas about the show, the title, etc. While thinking about possible titles, I came up with one that, while was a crap title for a podcast, was a great title for a comedy script—movie, not a tv show.

That's the thing about the above quote. We were planning on one thing, but something else sprouted to life. We both saw the potential in the idea, and we shifted focus to that. (yes, we still plan on doing a podcast) But a 90-page script can be written in a week or so. And with the idea of the movie and his location in LA, we decided this is something that we should try and make happen.

Who knows if this will actually take off, get sold, get made, or, like so many countless scripts out there, get lost in the shuffle of a TBR pile, never to be seen again. That doesn't matter. What does matter is when a great idea strikes you, and you know it has potential, you do something about it.

It is sometimes the simple idea of doing something fun, like starting a podcast, that spawns other ideas of merit.

They say life is what happens while making other plans. If our goal to create a podcast gets a movie made, I'd be okay with that. But neither of those things will ever happen if we just sit back hoping someone sees us and thinks we deserve a couple of microphones and pop screens so we can make a podcast.

So, here's to the future. Here's to the writing that interrupts my current WIP. Here's to the possibilities of things to come. Here's to simple ideas. Until next time. Read a good book, sip a good Scotch, laugh with good friends.



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