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Spooky Month is Upon Us!

Writer: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

Before I get into what this month's newsletter has in store, I want to thank all my new subscribers and welcome them to this little slice of my life. Also, I can't move on to October before mentioning how great last month was. First, Ancient City Con was beyond successful. To date, it was my best show yet. I had so much fun and so many requests for shirts I haven't carried in a while that I am bringing back a whole bunch! I also had a surprise appearance at Smut Lovers, which went well above what I could have hoped for. I met so many fantastic people who stopped by my table, bought some books, and had a few laughs. Thank you all for making that day so special. But we can't live in the past too long. So this month. I may or may not be at Spookala. I am trying to work out the details, but I am still on the fence about it. If I am there, it will be with my publisher, 4 Horsemen Publications. That will be the 6th-8th. Before that, I have the Brevard Library Con on Oct 1st, tomorrow. So, if you're local and want to say hi and see what it's all about, come on down. And on the 27th-29th, I have Spooky Empire! I can't wait! That is at the Raddison off of International Drive. The hotel is attached to the Cooper's Hawk! I will also be talking about author Robbie Lewis.


Social Media Activity

I try to stay active on social media, but I do have a huge helper in that department. I never realized how hard it is to make quality content. Anytime you see posts that are professionally done and aren't mad ravings of a sleep-deprived brain, that would be my social media manager, Kris. She's the best. I joined Blue Sky not terribly long ago. I guess that's something. Of course, I am also on Threads but have deleted my Twitter (X) account for reasons I am sure you can guess. Of course, Facebook, IG, Tik Tok, and even Pintrest have me on them. I am everywhere!

All of the West Haven Undead books on e-readers in front of a stormy Chicago skyline.
The West Haven Undead Series

What else?

This is the longest stretch since joining the authors at 4 Horsemen Publications that I am without a release. That means now is the time to catch up on all my books while you anxiously wait for the release of the fourth book in The West Haven Undead series, A Vampire Named Allison! If all sails smoothly, it will be released on Feb 3rd, 2024. I am working on the fifth and final book in the series, still to be titled but man do I have the story rearing to go! If all plays out like I think, this will also be my longest book to date. My publisher has got my books back on Bookycall app. Whether you're looking to swipe right and support me or if you simply need to add to your TBR pile, check them out. (I swear a few times I sound like a commercial this month. Apologies) Moving on!

Cover of Shadow Guardian and the Big Bad Wolf, has a picture of Shadow Guardian and a silhouette of a wolf
Shadow Guardian and the Big Bad Wolf


Also using the name Robert Lewis, he is a great author to check out if you like M/M erotica with a hint of mystery or as Robert J Lewis if you like LGBTQ superhero, Shadow Guardian series. The Shadow Guardian series is about a guy and his adoptive father who try to rid the low-income areas of all the evils invading the area. Together with their group of friends, all with their own special and unique abilities, fight demons, twinks, and even a pup police chief. The series has evolved from more violent overtones to one far more comical and light-hearted while maintaining its seriousness. His editor's pick is to start with Shadow Guardian and the Big Bad Wolf. His Someone Series involves behind-the-scenes looks at the male-on-male adult film industry. There is some violence in the series at times, but it is not the main focus. Instead, it lends itself to character-focused/driven stories. Currently, he is the Luxxxe Studio insider for the film division and is part of their family. Robby Lewis is a Gay erotica writer based out of Charleston, South Carolina. When he’s not busy with his plants, being a doggy daddy, or watching the latest Sci-Fi, he can be found creating Gay erotica for his readers that challenge the conventual sexual roles. He’s been influenced by such writers as T.J. Klune, Rhys Ford, Jordan Castillo Price and L.A. Witt. You can keep up with Robby Lewis’s latest releases and antics on his social media at Dreams – Robert J. Lewis.


COME SEE ME! Oct 1, Brevard Library Con, 11-4 Viera Regional Community Center

October 7 In the 4 Horseman booth at Spookala in Tampa, FL

October 14th, Haines City Public Library Local Author Meet & Greet, Haines City, FL October 27-29, Spooky Empire Hyatt Regency, Orlando November 4-5, Maker Faire Orlando, Central FL Fairgrounds I had to update some of my author links, especially to Facebook. So, if you are already following me, you should be fine. If you choose to stalk me from the shadows and click the QuickLink each time to check out my links.

As always, if you have any questions for me, want to know what makes me tick, or anything else, I can always be reached at or at any of my links on my Quick Links Page. And I would be super jazzed to receive actual mail to the address at the bottom of my newsletter. The best gifts you can give an author are to leave an honest review and to tell your friends about us.

Spread the love and until next month, be good.



4 Horsemen Publications 1768 Carlisle St, Clearwater, FL, 33755-2305


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