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Memories are Just where you leave them

Writer: Nicholas J. SavageNicholas J. Savage

My mind is so flustered lately. I'd like to think it's only because I am so busy, but I am sure the weight of the world events is leaning into it a little. But I am busy. I missed writing yesterday and last week. I want to be more consistent with being available to my current (and future) readers and fans of my art.

Before I opened this to begin writing, I saw the few previous blogs I wrote. I can 190% say I have no memory of writing them. None whatsoever. It's things like this I am trying to avoid. I used to have a memory of an elephant, a steel trap. Every little event that happened, every big event that happened was fresh in my memory; Even years later. But as I have grown, or maybe it's because I have moved on with my life and am trying to build something, things slip away. Little things, but things that I would have, at one point, remembered. Like writing a blog. Or a short story. I saw that one of my publishers is doing a epub give-a-way for an anthology I am in. I don't remember writing it. I remember the story, or at least most of it, but writing it. Nope. Gone.

This does concern me. Not in some, do I have early onset dementia, or something way. Just concerns me that I am no longer 18. Here's the rub of it all. I wouldn't be 18 again if you paid me a million bucks. I am 42 and in better health, both physically and mentally. (mentally way better health) I am building a career in something I love and, with a little luck and a lot of hard work, some sort of legacy to leave behind. I am a better friend to people now than I was back then, even if I am not always physically around.

As usual, when I start writing my blogs I have some little bug on my mind nibbling away at the recesses of my brain. A little tick that won't go away until I get it all out.

I guess that is what I am doing.

But moving on. I have had many conventions lately for my art while leaving the self published books behind since my publisher is working on redoing them. I think for tomorrow's convention I shall bring a few copies. See if I can entice a new reader or two with some first editions. Ft. Meyer's here I come. It's 5:20 now and I have to be out the door by 4 am tomorrow morning. So, relaxation for the rest of the night. Who knows? Maybe it will set that brain tick free finally and I can feel a little more at ease.

Until next time, be good and stay amazing.


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